Health & Safety / Manager Training and Development
Manager Training and Development
Manager training and development is important to us. All of our Managers and Supervisors across Ireland work extremely hard at ensuring their sites, plants and facilities operate as safely as possible. They work very closely with the Health & Safety Department on a daily basis to ensure that they have all the standards and systems required to sustain safe operations. Kilsaran also hosts twice-yearly Manager Training days where they receive instruction and training, in real-time, to enable them to better improve their knowledge on Health & Safety Management.
Recently, the Kilsaran Managers went through the most efficient methods and techniques in Incident and Investigation Management, using both internal and external industry methodologies and practices. The aim was to demonstrate to them how to control, lead and manage incidents as they arise in order to preserve best-evidence, to identify leading and root causes and to prevent reoccurrence of same/similar incidents. As a result of this training, managers are now increasing their reporting of: Hazards, Near Miss/Hit events, Unsafe Acts and Conditions with the aim being to prevent incidents/accidents before they arise. This also helped managers to become more qualified and comfortable that, in the event of an incident, they now know what is required to carry out a full and proper investigation.